Summer is normally marked by high temperatures and high precipitation rates in some regions. Starting on December 21st and ending on March 20th, the season takes place during an important period for agriculture, coinciding with some planting and harvesting and interfering with productivity results.
The effects of the season can be positive and negative, and we will learn a little more about both. Check out:

Positive aspects:

Temperature is one of the factors that most influence photosynthesis, a process that is essential for the production of quality food. When relatively high, they favor the growth and development of plants.

Abundant rains are also beneficial for agriculture, as they help irrigate plants and keep the soil moist. However, it is important that this rain is well distributed, so that excess humidity does not occur, which could favor the appearance of certain pests and diseases.

Negative aspects:

It is notable that high temperatures can be harmful to some plants, especially those that are more sensitive. Soybeans and corn, two very common crops in Brazilian agriculture, can suffer from heat stress, causing a reduction in productivity.

Very heavy rains can also cause significant problems, such as flooding of plantations and even harvesting problems, such as in cotton cultivation, which strictly depends on low humidity to maintain the quality of the harvested fiber.


Heat waves: how can they affect plants?

Recently, some regions of Brazil have been suffering from heat waves and little rain, normally caused for the most part by the presence of El Niño, a climate phenomenon that directly affects agriculture. At this point, some farmers have already needed to replant their crops, thus suffering some losses.

Heat waves can cause different problems depending on the stage of each plant. When at the beginning of the cycle, high temperatures can impede its development, preventing it from growing and making replanting necessary. In some crops, such as coffee, high temperatures can cause burns to leaves and fruits, affecting crop productivity.

How to deal with the high temperatures brought by summer?

Some of the measures that farmers can adopt in the search for greater control over the effects of summer are: selecting plant varieties best adapted to the hot climate; administer irrigation (if available) in a balanced way and control pests and diseases, especially in more sensitive plants.

A very effective solution is to take care of the soil so that it is well nourished and balanced, helping plants to grow with quality and develop consistently. Sungard, sunscreen for leaves and fruits from Viter, which can be used on different crops such as coffee, tomatoes and even citrus, is a strong ally in combating sunburn that summer brings with it and in favor of the healthy development of plants. .

Viter offers a complete line of products that can help farmers adapt their production to summer. Count on our products and offer your soil the best so that your crops grow strong and productive. Access our portfolio and discover all the solutions for your farming.