Opening of the New Factory in April 2024

A New Era in Itaperuçu, Paraná The first half of 2024 is…

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“Ambassadors of Soil Viter” Program

We are launching a “Solo Viter Ambassador” program, an exclusive initiative…

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Sungard guarantees protection against scald for various crops

Infographics show how the product acts in each culture and its benefits…

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Why is soil important for the quality of food production?

Nutrients available in the soil make a difference in agricultural production Did you know…

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The importance of the Agricultural Engineer for agriculture

The professional who drives agribusiness with strategies that make the sector…

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How spring influences agriculture

Season marks the beginning of another harvest and always brings changes…

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How limestone and gypsum help prepare soil for pastures

Maintaining soil fertility allows plants to grow more…

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What is the role of magnesium in farming?

Understand how important the nutrient is and how it affects the development of…

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Understand why ITAÚ Lime is the most sought after by rural producers

Market leader, product continues to operate in Brazilian harvests with quality…

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